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Each year we recognize the region's most outstanding volunteers based on their length of service, initiative, and impact on the community. Honorees are celebrated at the annual Hampton Roads Volunteer Achievement Awards. Nominations are closed!


Award Categories

Individual Volunteer Awards

Adult - Individual volunteer aged 18+

Youth - Individual volunteer aged under 18

Best of Board - Individual volunteer recognized for outstanding
service on a nonprofit board of directors

Skills-Based - Individual volunteer recognized for volunteering
their skills or talents for a nonprofit organization

Group Volunteer Awards

Community - Members of an organization or group that volunteer together (ie. Knights of Columbus, Sororities/Fraternities, Junior League, etc.)

Faith-Based Member of a faith-based organization that volunteer together

Family - Family that volunteers together

Military - Military service members that volunteer together

Youth - Youth group that volunteers together

Nonprofit Volunteer Program - An outsanding nonprofit volunteer program, recognizes the organization for their volunteer engagement and management

Nomination Information

How do I submit a nomination?

  • Submit your nomination using the Volunteer Achievement Awards Nomination Form listed above. 
  • If you would like to prepare your answers before submission you can download questions here.
  • After preparing your answers please copy and paste them into the Volunteer Achievement Awards Nomination Form listed above. 

Who can submit nominations?

Anyone can submit a nomination for a volunteer or volunteer group. Self-nominations are accepted and encouraged!

When will I be notified of the outcome of my nomination?

You will be notified if your nominee has been selected as an award recipient by March 10, 2025. 

Common Messages