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Join us for our annual awards as we recognize the region's volunteers based on their length of service, initiative, and impact on the community.
April 24, 2025 | Rivers Casino Portsmouth
5:30 Cocktails & Hors D'oeuvres | 6:30 Awards Presentation
Sponsor Deadline: March 28
Presenting Sponsor $25,000
- 20 tickets to awards event
- Opportunity to speak at the beginning of the program
- Opportunity to introduce an honoree of your choice
- Reserved front-row seating for group
- First-page ad in annual report
- Ad included in digital display at event
- Logo placement on event banner, social media, website, email blast, and annual report
Visionary Sponsor $10,000
- 15 tickets to awards event
- Opportunity to introduce an honoree of your choice
- Reserved seating for group
- Full-page ad in annual report
- Ad included in digital display at event
- Logo placement on event banner, social media, website, email blast, and annual report
Leadership Sponsor $5,000
- 10 tickets to awards event
- Reserved seating for group
- Half-page ad in annual report
- Ad included in digital display at event
- Logo placement on event banner, social media, website, email blast, and annual report
Community Sponsor $3,500
- 5 tickets to awards event
- Logo placement on social media, website, email blast, and annual report
Event Program Advertisement
- Half Page $750
- Full Page $1500
*Event tickets to be purchased separately
**Event program advertisement includes print version only
Join Us!
Sponsor Deadline: March 28
For more information contact Alana Slaughter aslaughter@volunteerhr.org