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Opportunity Details
Trans Safe Space List Volunteer
The Hampton Roads Trans Safe Space List Program
Ensuring Equal Protection in our Community
The Hampton Roads Trans Safe Space List project aims to develop a comprehensive database of businesses and services in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia that are transgender friendly and committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive atmosphere for the Trans, Queer, BIPOC and other historically marginalized communities. This includes developing comprehensive tools, systems and partnerships in coalition to build, distribute & sustain the TSSL - in hopes of developing a distributable, scalable model beyond the seven cities. And we need committed allies and community members to make that happen. That's where YOU come in!
Trans' as a prefix means 'Across'
We believe that this work is vital, and intersectional. Throughout and beyond just the transgender and queer communities, such a list truly should stretch 'across' and encompass our entire diverse community.
Our Trans Safe Space List (or TSSL) may be centered around and grounded in the struggles faced by gender non-conforming & queer folks as those who hate us seek to deny us service - but it's a project designed holistically to reach across identity boundaries to ensure safe spaces for kids, families and all of our community. This work itself is enlightening - for better or worse - but it knits us together beyond gender or identity. Join us.
How does the TSSL work?
The Hampton Roads Trans Safe Space List program seeks to address these issues by creating a database and web/mobile app that not only provides comprehensive information via Maps and categories, but also serves as a portal for recruiting/training community volunteers on how to solicit/report compliance. The TSSL program also establishes a community informed business vetting process to ensure the continued commitment of public accommodations and services to inclusivity - and will ultimately rely on verified member reviews and reports.
This means we need Volunteers willing to learn and help develop our tools to solicit business' and public accomodations across the Seven Cities - as well as more dedicated folks willing to follow up on reports/tickets as they are generated. Further still, we have an Operations Sub-Committee overseeing the TSSL and are actively looking for diverse community members from any/all backgrounds and experience levels to join our Board in administering and steering the development of the TSSL application and the member services which will support it. If ANY of this sounds like something you would be interested in doing - please sign-up via this portal and/or reach out to us at volunteer@caloscoalition.com
Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+
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Sign up with a team
This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:
- Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
- Create a new team to sign up.
Signup Questions
Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity: