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Volunteer Achievement Awards Nomination Form
Submit your Volunteer Achievement Award nomination using the form below. If you would like to prepare your answers before submission you can download questions here.
Please select from one of the categories below. If your nomination does not meet the requirements for the category you select, Volunteer Hampton Roads will move it to the appropriate category.
Individual Volunteer Awards
Adult - Individual volunteer aged 18+
Youth - Individual volunteer aged under 18
Best of Board - Individual volunteer recognized for outstanding service on a nonprofit board of directors
Skills-Based - Individual volunteer recognized for volunteering their skills or talents for a nonprofit organization
Group Volunteer Awards
Community - Members of an organization or group that volunteer together (ie. Knights of Columbus, Sororities/Fraternities, Junior League, etc.)
Faith-Based - Member of a faith-based organization that volunteer together
Family - Family that volunteers together
Military - Military service members that volunteer together
Youth - Youth group that volunteers together
Nonprofit Volunteer Program - An outsanding nonprofit volunteer program, recognizes the organization for their volunteer engagement and management